Monday, June 25, 2007


A mashup is a website or application that combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience

View Trivop
The self-proclaimed first videoguide for hotels doesn’t disappoint. Locate hotels on this Google Maps + Hotel mashup and view user-created videos of the hotels. This gives a much better view of a prospective hotel before visiting.
Currently looks like they only have hotels in England and France, but with their recruiting efforts one can only assume Trivop will becoming to a region near you.
This mashup fits the bill when we want to see how the hotel looks before we arrive at our destination. If we go to England next summer, this will be a great tool for us.


Bucurestiul Cultural said...

Dear Ruth,
My name is Cristina and I work for Trivop. I saw that you wrote about us on your blog! It is always nice to see what people say about us. Thank you for your comments.
We would like to keep you updated about our company, new features and press releases, so please send us your email address.
Thanks again for your interest and comments about Trivop.

Best regards,


JimD said...

Hey, thanks for pointing out this site. It looks really interesting. Something else to do with all that free time I don't have!

EJ said...

We'll get through this together!

Tag, you're it! See SHHH at
for more details.